In a recent blog post, Frank Gruber, among his arguments for SMO closure, allowed that: “There’s no question that the most appealing uses of the airport are the Angel’s Flight medical flights. But given that there are other airports nearby,…
AOPA financed deceptive ballot initiative petition filed shortly after City Council defeat!
As predicted by CASMAT more than a month ago, the national aviation lobby organization AOPA, has pushed ahead with filing their deceptive attempt to handcuff the City and prevent it from gaining control of its own property. The initiative was…
Thank you City Council!
At last night’s City Council meeting the Council unanimously approved staff’s recommendations while modifying them to clarify Council’s intent, and while explicitly making clear that any land released from aviation uses would be used for low intensity uses such as a park.…
Please come to the City Council meeting – Tuesday March 25th
Link:Airport2Park call to attend Link:Meeting Agenda (includes staff recommendations)
SMO in the News – March 2014
The following articles relating to SMO have appeared in the press during March 2014:The drones are coming! (Santa Monica Dispatch, Mar 30, 2014)Letters: What to do with Santa Monica’s airport (LA Times, Mar 30, 2014)It’s our town, our airport, our land,…
Aviation industry files deceptive initiative to preserve SMO for their own use
Santa Monica, CA – The battle over the future of Santa Monica Airport intensified this week as a national lobbying organization for the aviation industry filed a proposed initiative with the Santa Monica City Clerk that would handcuff the City…