The following exchange occurred in the comments section of the June 10 SMDP post on the filing of the AOPA-backed ballot initiative signatures. The content of the exchange is sufficiently enlightening that we decided to post it in full here…

The following exchange occurred in the comments section of the June 10 SMDP post on the filing of the AOPA-backed ballot initiative signatures. The content of the exchange is sufficiently enlightening that we decided to post it in full here…
A deep-pocketed lobbying group turned in petitions to the Santa Monica City Clerk today (June 10), in an effort to block the city’s efforts to reduce or eliminate the health and safety hazards from Santa Monica Airport (SMO). The Washington,…
The following articles relating to SMO have appeared in the press during June 2014: Responding to Anderson (Santa Monica Daily Press, Jun 28, 2014) Foes of closing SMO accuse city officials of conflict (LA Times, Jun 28, 2014) Council considers rock,…
Aviation Lobby Screams “foul” as City Considers Alternative to Deceptive Ballot Proposal
Acting on the City Attorney’s advice, the Santa Monica City Council unanimously voted at its meeting Tues., June 24 to draft a ballot measure that would allow the City to continue to manage its municipal airport (SMO) while subjecting future…