Below is a link to the staff report on phase 1 on the visioning process for the future of the airport when the current agreement with the FAA runs out in 2015. Phase 1 began in March 2011 and was conduced by three consulting firms Rand, Point C, and HR&A. These results will be presented to the City Council at the meeting on October 4, 2011 (starts at 6:30 PM). Phase 2 of the visioning process will begin following city council direction at that meeting. Phase 2 is the opportunity for the public at large to voice their opinions. If you are concerned about the future of the airport you should make a point of attending.
Link:Staff Report for City Council Meeting – October 4, 2011
Link:Point C Report Slides – October 4, 2011
Link:HRA Presentation Slides – October 4, 2011 Notes
Link:Rand Presentation Slides – October 4, 2011
Link:SMO Partial History – Handed out at meeting
Link:SMO Fact Sheet – Handed out at meeting