You can find details on the City’s ballot initiative here. You can find the full text of the aviation lobbyist (or AOPA) initiative here, and the City’s summary of it here. Both are designed to modify the City charter in order to make…

You can find details on the City’s ballot initiative here. You can find the full text of the aviation lobbyist (or AOPA) initiative here, and the City’s summary of it here. Both are designed to modify the City charter in order to make…
This post is intended to give a history of the dispute over Santa Monica Airport (SMO) ownership between the City and the FAA as well as of the mounting opposition to the airport from the impacted residents in the surrounds.…
Acting on the City Attorney’s advice, the Santa Monica City Council unanimously voted at its meeting Tues., June 24 to draft a ballot measure that would allow the City to continue to manage its municipal airport (SMO) while subjecting future…
The following exchange occurred in the comments section of the June 10 SMDP post on the filing of the AOPA-backed ballot initiative signatures. The content of the exchange is sufficiently enlightening that we decided to post it in full here…
A deep-pocketed lobbying group turned in petitions to the Santa Monica City Clerk today (June 10), in an effort to block the city’s efforts to reduce or eliminate the health and safety hazards from Santa Monica Airport (SMO). The Washington,…
Another key Santa Monica citizens group, Residocracy, is withholding support of a petition being circulated regarding the Santa Monica Airport (SMO). Residocracy recently led the successful fight to block a major development in Santa Monica. The group says it cannot…
Important Meeting – August 20 – We need your help!
The Committee for Local Control of Santa Monica Airport Land (CLCSMAL) invites you to attend our kick-off meeting on Wednesday August 20, 2014 at the Mount Olive Lutheran Church (see attached flyer). The purpose of the meeting is to provide…